Wednesday, December 9, 2009

HAppy Dog Family

my house came a little puppy
small puppy and cute
like a "kancil"
my house become three dogs
haha... the other's dog were very happy
must be.. can play together and not so boring
before that the two dog just can face on face
must boring lah... sienzzzzzzz..
haha.. now my Lucky and Pipi have a new partner
hihi... happy dog family
Now I give my new puppy a happy name
Call it.... ermmm..
A happy name..
Lucky , Pipi and Lala
hope you all happy and be a good dog family

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What's your special role??

How great we are

God create us refer on Her face

How awesome

We know.. Grateful

God make us , shape us

We have our own unique role

Believe yourself you will make something

Trust to God thoroughly

You will get it

Be confidence..

You are special..

Be Joyful, Faithful and Love

Let your surround be colourful

keep on caring to people in your side

Keep on love to everything

people in strungle with suffer

pull him up..

help him,

you are also responsible

because you have sense

you know he/she wanting in help

So you got responsible

Make your life different

with done everything that benefits to others.

Not only for yourself.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

simply sharing..

Hard to know
what you really are..
What you thinking for
What you looking for..
What you feel on..

I really want an answer
Answer from you
could you tell me...

You would dont know
what I am thinking
..... No chance we have

We are like the person stand on the
same boat but different destination
....... .. . . ... . ..

Its just a simply thinking
but is hard for us ...

This two week
the life in hometown
very relax
no any disturbance
a very long rest
Now, is quiet boring
hopefully can use more proper
at the rest holiday.....

Good nighT.....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

waiting for nothing...

keep on waiting

waiting for

no answer and reason

still waiting


no forcing

no comment

no rule

is clear enough

just do for

you happy


don't have this minding


Monday, November 2, 2009



Feeling empty

Holiday just coming


not very happy 

so conflicting.

still at KL

may be back on friday

think to find someone 

going to play anywhere


Do something 

. . . . . . . . . . . .

still a little missed on the day 

we were happy


now it just a memory

nothing can be change

Friday, October 30, 2009




你的天堂会lag,我的天堂一定On Time。(神隨时聆听我们祷告)


你的天堂現在可以看見KLCC, MONEY,可是將來都看不到。











Sunday, October 25, 2009

Last minute,try your best

NO.. No. . no.

I wasted all of my time

No more accuse, for no time

little regret on went back hometown

Can't do my revision at hometown


My exam, aiyoo..

No eye see..

help, someone need help..

Now underwent rush on times

Rushing culminate..

... .. . . . . . . . ... .. .. .. . .. .. ..

I believe that,

This month are rushing , prepare on final exam

especially SPM and SAM FINAL..


for those people facing exam

Hope you all,

Do a good JOB 

4 yourself... and watch on self-healthness

Pray for you all..

TaTa.. See you again

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

sadness memories

so many times

you asking me

you rescue me

you remind me

you are with me

No.. no..

Oh no, what I done before.

The Chance was flew away

again and again

I am so sorry

You might not except

You might also forget for 

Do you remember me

Would you stay with me

nothing change 

Since that day untill now. .

Tuesday, October 20, 2009



being sick..

little fever..

aiyah. . . study week now!!

next week final ..

still want suffer on sickness..


Please take away my sickness

I want concentrate in this week

I need focus and good health. . 

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Prepare to face it.. No!!!


Drive a long journey

from hometown to KL


feel want to sleep

Before sleep. .

sharing first. .

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... . .. .. . 

Somethings will be happen

but not sure yet

Prepare to face it


Hope that,

My expectation are wrong

Bye.. bye. Miss u all.. . . . 

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Knowing You God

How great You are?

How I know You completely?


How great your love are?

can measured?

No,  cannot..

So that, try to know You more..

Yes, should do that.

Desire knowing more . .

Prsentation over


Over , my english presentation.


This is my first presentation in college

Actually I have quiet nervous and not naturally

But I still can do it

haha.. &  7 mark out of 10

Is also that quiet different before

We weared formal in presenting

All of my classmate was wearing in dark colour

haha.. Heyyy! Cool Man

All of us were totally different

There were like a ..

CEO, Head Designer, Sells manager, President(Obama).. etc. ooo

Yap!, you can see how wearing effect on a person

When you wear formally, you might be more confident 


I also have been like my classmate

Although some of us are not very close

but, we still very kind to each others

Sometimes we joke, sometimes we eat together

We have a good relationship in class

haha. . . Thanks God..

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Just saw someone blog

Is very touch

I really can know his felling 

His wholehearted, his true honest

very move for me

How the guy waiting for

How he think of

Many things he do for..

But just for a purpose..

How he learn in the times

Only reader can know.


Just want to say

If you really think about someone

Dont hide in your heart

Sure you will cry, and nothings will bear

Let him know how is your felling

Is better for you


 waiting for..


you know that. .

try to get it..


make it specials

You will hope that


You will no regret

My specials hometown


This time when I back

I really felt that nothing to do

It's not too bad for me

For me, this is my times

to be rest, no worries

Is good..

I can fell that how different is Labis and KL

totally different for me


Really aspire in waiting the holidays coming

hey, Is 2 months break

I am sure that is my times to take a refreshment..


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bye bye .. MPW Assignment


Just finished my assignment

There was a three days work


Due three days,

Lots of website I was tried to research

Was quiet interesting  in reseach

Was tired but was enjoy

haha......Next times,

kinds regard on asking me when face problem in assignments

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sorry for didnt spend the time

forgive me that I did wrong

hold me with your firmly hand

protect me with your love

Lets me understand on yours will

Thank You on hearing my pray


Friday, October 2, 2009



huh, the drama Nodame Cantabile give me a very interesting on classical music

When see the pianist play very well, bravo

It's aspire me to improve my piano in classical music

Ashamed that I am poor in classical music

I am nearly about 1 year didnt touch on classical music

Almost that i only play the piano on church song 

Very admire on pianist when playing classical music

It's very nice and really can make you revel in the melody

All right , dont be speak louder than word, action is more important


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Try Nodame Cantabile

nothing to do.. boring

please give me some work to do..

You try to kill me?? Don't lah

please give me time ...
Let me do what I like...
Watching .. Searching...Shopping

ALL such of Bored

I attempt to do somethings fresh... Pls refreshment

................... HELP ME

Haizzzzzzz.. i think today i will watching movie....

Let me recommend a Drama ,Nodame Cantabile
I think is Japan drama, haha
There is a little funny
I am interested because it contains few of classical music at the background
Some ochestra instrument, especially piano
Nice ,Romantic

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Let us sing together ,put effort together


long time no see, haha

Recently, I am quiet busy.

Especially, my  mathematics subject got much of homework

Somethings special,

I find that I am more hardworking than before

may be I know that how important a good future

may be live at this big city let me know many things

things that I didnt feel it's important before

I begin know that , how important the knowledge are

knowledge not only study by paper, but try to learn some skills, any skills

It will benefit for us.... thrust me, it will be used next time 

hahaha........ but make sure we not learn in stress

but learn with happy mood, let yourself more explore


So, let us put great effort on it at same time.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Learn it from Mistake


Today woke up early due the class started 8 o clock,

adding that, yesterday I cant sleep well

Haizzz...  AH..!!!!!!!!!!!!


HIHI, today i was first day driving car to study

From house to INTI need about 25minutes..quiet fast i drove

But there was a disastrous mistake, that i back used the wrong way

As result that i almost take an hour journey reached at house


Some more that, today i get a compounment from the majis pembandaran

I should have to pay about RM80 because parking at incorrect place.

Today like very bad, but I not think so, just take it easy

next time be more intelligence amd careful

learn it from mistake..........................

Hahaahahaha.........................Bye bye ... see u next time 

Friday, September 4, 2009

New life, condition , environment

HIhi, forget to update my blog

Just pass Tuesday, I was decide to study at college

Is unbelieve that I study at college, Subang Inti College

Dont know that is happy or not..

Now I am taking in Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Haha ... Few years later i might be a Enginner

hihi, Hope that i will get ready to overcome all difficulties

and, smoothly pass then graduate... Hmm. Dont want resit the test

. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .  . . . . . . . . .. . . . .....  . . .. . .... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . .   . .    .................

Lastly, pray for me that i can always vigor in study

and work hard and play hard continuosly.......Thnz


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

For my special sister

Today having a little bad mood

just like so lonely, i little missed the happy days

haizz... why no people can't understand my situation

Is bad quarrel with my sister, I believe that she is very sad

She repeated his word again and agains, She got troubled because of me



I know you care about me, love me.. but I strongly can't accept it

.... very sorry my dear sister...sorry for my tough attitude..

But I am really attempt to out from the school, tired to study at there

I really hope a new situation


sorry sister, please let me have my own decision..

I will take responsible on my choice..


                                                                                                                   little brother

                                                                                                                     Mark Tien


Thursday, August 27, 2009

How christian be a christian

Today, thursday
customarily i join bible study with my sister
The special is today..
We just started a new book, "Colossian"

Now I just want to share about
How christian be a christian??

1)Grace from God.
2)God done for us.
The only way to save us, die on cross
3)Depends on
God choosen, Ours faith, Ours decision

As a christian we must have a sign like Christ
We must keep on the example from Christ,
To be more like Christ, More holiness
How great Jesus done for us
He is the only God who sacrifice himself to save us
How great He is
So how a christian be

May be many of people say that..
Christian is too strict, many things cant do
Be a christian have no Freedom
Can't do this... Can't do that
Can't be compromise although a small things

But actually we are not freedom
because if we did the wrong , we are compromise
This is not freedom, we suppose free to choose the truth

The truth is the JESEUS done for us
So must believe it.........
Jesus love is more over than what we think

It was a true history..... JESUS STORY

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Today after worship in church

At afternnon I and few church friends playing basketball

We put many effort in playing

We played with so serious but still happy, we play as 3 by 3

haha... long time didnt so serious playing basketball

because when i take a rest i noticed that my foot injure

but when I am playing i didnt noticed it



I like to play basketball without wearing the shoes

It is more comfort for me

haizzzz... but after that my skin on my leg will bleeding

haha.... but I still like to do it


Kaki Ayam is the sign of "KANMPUNG GUYS"

You know it?????

Next time when a guys didnt wear the shoes in anywhere you see...

He must been a kampung boys


...................BYE BYE , I want to go for get a good sport shoes, sakitlah kaki saya..

Friday, August 21, 2009



school holidays!!!!!! SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!!

For me I am very glad... I can back to hometown relax

I was very long time didnt back to hometown

I miss all of my hometown

My friends, house, bedroom .....

For me is a very relax days

I can do many things relax myself

especially SLEPPING


also go to Mamak stall with my friends



I look toward tomorrow coming.. 

See you tomorrow ,my hometown 

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Thanks to you all... Bye

huh, this few days i fell quiet tired

after school i will back as fast as i could

i become lazy for going school

Almost not interested in school life

one word can describe "STRESS"

Invisible stress 

I want to change my life, change my school

This is only one i can do


although only about two months at this school

although many problem and things i faces

but at least i got learnt from this school

that i didnt learnt it before

this two months will not wasted


I want to thanks to my friends, whom care about me


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Who am I

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You're

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours

Who Am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who Am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me

I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours

                                                                By..Casting Crowns

Saturday, August 8, 2009


someone you care about are sad
will you get a warm coffee towards him when she cool
will you give your time let him talk to you, when you busy
will you stay on him when she/he are alienate

I really dont know what i can do for him
nothing i can do for him
not, i didnt care but is i think too far
i want to see smile on his face
since that day, i havent see his smile again

How can be ?? What problem she cant put down??
Why she so tired??
such of question marks in y mind
NOW, I know that nothing I know about him
i didnt take action

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bad Day..

Today, muet class

I was the unlucky person

I was call out to in front of class to have a public speaking

ochh,... i was very nervous and dread

I didnt prepare my draft at all

Although teacher was inform us one week ago

I forced myself to go in front, if not

I will get lower marks

haizzz..... i was scare and dont know what i talking in front

teruk.. it was lose face

Never mind, next time i must put some effort in preparing

haizz..... SHAME



Sunday, August 2, 2009

As i cast back to our past
you made me feel so real
feeling I remember
It was as good as can be
I haven’t seen you for a while
What’s going in your mind?
I really like to see

I try to think
It’s taking time to get near
I wonder can I tell you?
We haven’t been taking much
It doesen’t mean I don’t care
Should I just call you to say
I’m falling and I miss you

Wish I was with you in my dreams
and I'm praying to be your side
and suddenly you'll slip away

Do you know that?
Will you understand me?
Why is it you make me wait so long?
do you think of me
much I think of you
Do you miss me?

I know you can't share life with me
and I don't know what to do
but if you walk right my door,
you will see that I miss you

In my heart
I want you, know  you and miss you

I miss you

I miss you.. .  .   .     .     .

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Worries ...STRESS

Recently, i have too much of worries

already feel that how stress study form6

at school i almost cant go ahead with my teacher, can't catch it

because i come late to join in this school

untill now i haven't keep up with them

haizz... i am worrying........STRESS

Now i think i need a force to let me go ahead

sometimes, i think i want to hide from the problem

but this is truth, i must solve it , to overcome it

Many of way i try, sometimes when i feel no mood

i try to swimming, it let me to vented of my stress

after that, i will feel more cheerful

Anywhere i must pray to God, lot of  worries i send to God

I rely on U, my only God, my Saviour




Tuesday, July 28, 2009


LIfe occasionally feel a little bit wanting in motivation

At school, we can't put more effort in learning.

At office, people can't do their work more vigor.

Surely, we need people in surround to motivete us, encourage us

sometimes such feeling hit us, we can had a lunch or dinner with good friends

They can be interested in what we doing, they are supportive and make us happy

This is the secret to receiving support and motivation from others

think that, the impact of ours attitude or behaviour can make over people in surround

So be positive, it let people tend to be happier 

Monday, July 27, 2009

Day in clinic

Today, a tired day

go clinic for consultation with my aunty and mum

The person in charge at reception said to be wait about 4 hours

with patient we wait 4 hours in clinic, 

on the way, we go to eat the famous noodle near by imbi road

haiz.. today do Nothing ,Boring


Sunday, July 26, 2009


There's the moon asking to stay
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
Well it's my time coming, I'm not afraid to die

My fading voice sings of love, but she cries to the clicking of time,
Oh, time. Wait in the fire...
And she weeps on my arm
Walking to the bright lights in sorrow
Oh drink a bit of wine we both might go tomorrow
Oh my love...
And the rain is falling and I believe my time has come
It reminds me of the pain I might leave behind... Wait in the fire
And I feel them drown my name
So easy to know and forget with this kiss
I'm not afraid to go but it goes so slow..

Saturday, July 25, 2009


To you

What is your decision?

A new life to forget the past


Abondon a new life to return the past

We all have ours own way to make life special

Someone success by began a new life new way

Someone success by repentance 

They all have their own situation

It's depend on our decision

but is a mature decision, a careful decision

For me i still doing my decision

Still waiting for my answer

God please help me to doing my decision

I acknowlege that i rely on you 

Friday, July 24, 2009


I sleeplessness

Since she leave, I became wakefulness

I become tired, low-spirited

I cant keep attention in my work everyday

what can i do

The way in my mind is nothing

hopelessness. . . . . . . . . 

That day , when i was at park

I saw a child , just observe his action

He just looking his mother

His mother was singing

He smile , he was happy

No worrying,he a simply boy

A sweat smile

I jealous of his smile

His smile , make people happy 

Looking of myself......

Where is my smile

How about my smile

I forget how is my smile

I want back of my smile

I want be a happy guy

How many times i smile?

That moment,

I want to refresh myself

Now i want change my "mask"

I want throw my ugly "mask"

Replace to a happy smile mask


Now , i want give u a smile